How to earn money

Earn alots of money while at home Latest update Chukwudi's Post The IMC chairman of Ihitte Uboma local government Hon Chike Olemgbe today was available for Hon. Comr. Simon Ebegbulem (Hon commissioner for Special Projects) writing and speech challenge 2020 competition also in attendance is Hon Dan chike the imo state commissioner for Youth and sports development. As leaders, it is incumbent on us all to ensure that our youths who are the leaders of tomorrow are disabused of this fallacy, and having this much thought. I consider it priority that the great body of youths of Ihitte Uboma be supported and encouraged to attain the highest height they dream. The Simon Ebegbulem writing and speech competition is meant to reawaken in you all, the spirit of intellectual pursuit, academic excellence and above a development of our dear Ihitte Uboma. In conclusion the chairman appreciated the Hon Simon Ebegbulem for coming up with such wonderful idea to appreciate ihitte Write a comment ... B / s Chukwudi's Post uboma youths in pen field and was happy that this will be a long way in reawakening desires of our youths to love the education the more.


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